
14 November 2010

Lock Bridge

We came across this bridge when crossing over the Vilnia River into Užupis, the bohemian neighborhood of Vilnius. The neighborhood declared itself "an independent state" in 1998, appointing a president and drafting a Constitution that guaranteed running water and the right of a dog to be a dog.
Anyway, when we spotted all the locks hanging from the bridge, we assumed it was some sort of quirky and/or radical installation piece and started snapping away.
When we got home, we looked it up and discovered that it was "Lovers Lock Bridge" which was much quainter and sweeter than we had imagined. Newlyweds affix a lock to bind their union and then return to saw it off if they get divorced. Though, I'm not sure every divorcee would love to stand on a bridge with their saw-wielding ex.

1 comment:

  1. I'm an exchange student at Vilnius University and every day, on my way to and from my dorm, I cross this bridge. It's nice that now I know the meaning behind it!
